Seema Sonkar
Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology,INDIA.
Title: Development and Standardization of Nutraceutical Food Products Fortified with Beet root

Dr. Seema Sonkar is Assistant professor at the C.S. Azad University Kanpur, area of specialization in Food nutrition.she guided student thesis more than 35 as a major guide and more than 40 students of M.scand 5phd as a co guide.she attended ten national five international conference in India and presented paper in international conference at Malaysia, Poland and Germany. She published three books- basic concept of micronutrients in human nutrition, Diet and nutrition counselling, dietetic food and food and nutrition security challenge towards malnutrition, four manuals. Two project from state government. Received award in excellence in teaching and young scientist award.
The nutraceutical is a term derived from nutrition and pharmaceuticals. Nutraceutical are product other than nutrition is also used as medicine.Nutraceutucal product may be define as as a substance, which has physiological benefits provide against chronic disease. The potential of nutraceutical procts mitigating human health problems.Developed country also face the problem of high energy food and unbalance diet. These innovative functional foods offer high impact to reducing poverty and unger.Great potential for acieving sustained improvements in the nutritional status of poor. In this research work three product prepared in three treatment.T1 was best in soup mix,T2 was good in cookies and T3 was acceptable in extruded product. Iron content oin soup mix 461.25ppm was higher than two products.The products prepared with carrot and beet root was good in iron,zinc and protein for health.
Key words- Beet root, nutraceutical food, carrot, nutritional security